Statement of Intent

There will be more briefs added to this, and obviously a larger bibliography as the work is ongoing, but for now this is the initial statement:

Group tutorial feedback

After coming out of the group tutorial I now feel a lot clearer about what I need to focus down on with my statement of intent and by making it quite specific and clear from the beginning, it will make the briefs a lot easier for me to develop. I picked up on the point that we shouldn't get too engrossed in the writing and researching and that our investigations should be visual. This is always said to us and yet it is still always my downfall when entering a new module or brief and I spend too much time over-thinking everything instead of just doing it! So I am trying to work on this and get things down on paper whenever I can.

I have kick started two briefs already, but they are still in the early design ideas stage, so I want to spend some time gathering relevant research and imagery to help develop my ideas further. I have tried to explore subjects that interest me more and use those as the content, but having a range of products developed and a believable context is what is most important to me, as this is an area that has let me down in the past. Knowing what I want to use it for and where I can realistically imagine my work being from the beginning will help drive my ideas.

The tutorial also helped me perfect my position statement to be something that I am now happy with and everything should relate back to:

Typography and layout for publication and design for print with an interest in hand drawn type and photography.

Workshop task

Using the same triangulation technique as before, I have come up with three headings, each with ten subheadings that could be used as a good starting point for research and become potential chapters.

A typographic investigation of layout with a focus on printed distribution.

  • History of typography
  • Hierarchy and legibility
  • Message/content/language
  • Typeface anatomy
  • Grid structure
  • Composition
  • Audience/tone of voice
  • Scale
  • Format
  • Stock

A hand drawn typographic investigation of culture with a focus on colour.

  • History of handcrafted lettering
  • Legibility
  • Message/language
  • Relevant typographers
  • Cultural history
  • Changes in modern culture
  • Differences and original traditions between countries
  • Stereotypical country colours
  • Hierarchy
  • Colour palettes

A typographic investigation of recipes with a focus on publication layout.

  • Hand drawn type
  • Hierarchy and legibility
  • Language/message
  • Specialist type designers
  • History of British foods & classic recipes
  • Global foods
  • Sweet & Savoury
  • Grid layouts
  • Structure/composition/scale/format
  • Stock & print processes

Design Strategy Workshop

Updated position statement:

"Driven by typography and layout for editorial, publication and design for print with an interest in hand drawn type."

Workshop task:

Experimenting with design context titles that combine themes and subjects with the design disciplines above:
  • A photographic investigation of food with a focus on design for publication.
  • A hand drawn typographic investigation of culture with a focus on colour.
  • An illustrative investigation of hand drawn type with a focus on information delivery.
  • A typographic investigation of layout with a focus on printed distribution.
  • A photographic investigation of landscapes with a focus on layout design.
  • A typographic investigation of recipes with a focus on publication layout.
  • A typographic investigation of celebrity magazines with a focus on language.

Example of how to break a title down into subheadings that act as possible chapters:

"A typographic investigation of recipes with a focus on publication layout."

Possible chapters:
  • Hand drawn type
  • Hierarchy
  • Legibility
  • Weight
  • Colour
  • Language
  • Message
  • Specialist type designers

    • Classic recipes
    • Global foods
    • Quick and simple recipes
    • Fresh ingredients
    • Sweet
    • Savoury
    • Chefs specials
    • History of British foods and traditional recipes through the times

      • Grid layouts
      • Structure
      • Composition
      • Scale
      • Format
      • Stock
      • Print processes